Monday, December 29, 2008
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Monday, November 17, 2008
SuperFriday Alert!
SuperFriday! will be bringing you a back-to-back sharing session, based on the infamous ITQAN workshop, we are inviting SuperFriday! regulars and all you youths out there to participate in this beneficial session. The details are as the followings:
SuperFriday 11
"Integrity. Teamwork.Quwwah"
28th November 2008, 2-3pm
SuperFriday 12 (Season Finale)
"Ambassadorship. New Age"
26th December 2008, 2-3pm
@ Level 2 Multipurpose Room, Masjid Al-Istiqamah
Refreshments will be provided (as u'd already know :p)
So what is this I.T.Q.A.N all about? and how can it benefit us as youths and youth leaders? to know more..u have to be there!Definitely something to look forward to..and a chance to be around the SuperFriday-ans before the end of the year. For more enquiries call Ustaz Izhar @ 62814287 or email at
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Selamat Hari Raya.
Arrijal ingin mengucapkan Selamat Hari Raya kepada semua (belum terlambat lagi!) iaitu members kita, belia-belia yang pernah join, terjoin secara tidak sengaja, yang pernah bekerjesama, dan semua yang pernah dgr akan kita.
we wud like to take this opportunity to seek forgiveness sekiranya ada silapsalah, silaplangkah,silap kata, silap segalanya. we appreciate the feedbacks given and we as the current crop of will drive forward and strive to be better! insya Allah.
terima kasih juga kami ingin ucapkan kepada semua yang join Jalan Rayarrijal pada 12th October, ahad kelmarin. we had fun and it was mad-rush pergi 10 rumah dalam masa 10 jam.objective kita alhamdulillah tercapai; iaitu untuk mengenali keluarga anggota2 kita dan tidak lupa juga Chairman dan LPM kita. dan paling penting skali, kita enjoy! maka enjoylah gambar2 ini :
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Event Report: Night of Power
I would like to say thank you kepada Abang2 yang telah membantu menjayakan packing barang2 on Friday, Pembahagian Fidyah & Iftar Masjid Al-Istiqamah sabtu lepas. The mosque and Ustaz appreciate your help and effort without u all kerja takkan berjalan selancar kelmarin.
and thank you too for coming down together to Masjid Sultan for Night of Power. i'm sure we all enjoyed the Cakap Pasal Remaja session *mcm byk yg nangis terisak-isak je :p*. hopefully pengajaran disebalik sketsa yang dilakonkan Ustaz2 kita stays in the heart and mind. it was fun overnight-ing in the mosque wif u all because dapat kenal korang lebih rapat dan gurausenda walaupun dah 2am :p lagi best waktu ramai2 bgn waktu Qiyam! that also, i hope has an everlasting effect on all of u. teruskan usaha untuk menjadi orang dan Muslim yang lebih baik. ingat pesanan CPR, Al-Quran itu adalah petunjuk bagi kita (Al-Qur'an Hudallinnas).
the following is a review made by Ust Yusri in his blog :
" Malam semalam saya hadiri CPR di Masjid Sultan. Bukan CPR pernafasan mulut ke mulut tu tau! Para remaja perlu tahu CPR ni kalau tak termasuk di kalangan orang yang rugilah dia. CPR yang saya maksudkan di sini ialah Cakap Pasal Remaja. Satu program interaktif yang disusun khas untu remaja hasil inisiatif para pegawai pembangunan belia (YDO) masjid-masjid di Singapura. Program ini biasanya disertai dengan sketsa, persembahan muzik (live!) dan juga sesi talk show mengikut tema2 yang telah disusun lebih awal.
Tapi bagi sesi semalam terdapat kejutan besar pada format CPR yang diadakan sempena dengan RYC (Ramadan Youth Challenge) dan dianjurkan serentak dengan Night of Power (aktiviti Qiyam). Maknanya lepas CPR belia2 ni akan qiyam semalaman di Masjid Sultan. Hebat kan? Memang hebat, acara semalam penuh auditorium. Saya rasa ada dlm 500 belia hadir.
Kejutan yang saya maksudkan ialah sesi semalam melibatkan pementasan lakonan pentas atau teater bertemakan Quran Petunjuk Buat Manusia (juga tema bagi RYC tahun ini) hampir sejam setengah ini melibatkan pelakon rata-rata daripada para asatizah muda! Ia disertai dengan alunan muzik live dan nyanyian latar oleh Ustaz Sofyan (Imam Eksekutif Masjid Mydin). Power kan? Memang power gilerr!!! Teringat pulak saya macam film There's Something About Mary :)
Story board dia memang menarik, penuh dengan pendekatan baru dan kreatif. Saya tak tahulah sape punya idea. CPR ni dimulakan dengan MC pada malam tu yang juga merangkap storyteller atau Tok Selampit iaitu Ustaz Effendi from Masjid An-Nahdhah. Wow, he's so talented man..cant believe it..really. Effendi memainkan peranan beliau dengan cukup baik sebagai host dan pada masa yang sama sebagai pencerita. Dengan membahasakan dirinya sebagai AKU, beliau menjadi pencerita antara babak2. Secara tak langsung beliau sebenarnya berlakon juga..cara beliau berintraksi dengan penonton. Superb! Intonasi suara beliau kadangkala lembut, kadangkala pula keras sehingga penonton tersentak!Terkujat pun boleh..
Adegan dimulakan dengan babak 4 sekawan, Dini (Ustaz Aminuddin-ex pegawai Masjid Al-Iman) Mimi (Ustaz Fairuz, YDO Masjid Al-Ansar), Jeff (Ustaz Ahmad Khushairi, YDO Darul Ghufran) dan Ilhan (Ustaz Syakir, Imam Eksekutif Masjid Al-Iman) berkain pelekat merancang untuk ponteng belajar mengaji, mereka kemudian lepak sambil berkongsi cita-cita mereka apabila sudah besar nanti. (cita2 mereka menjadi kisah utama sketsa ni). Mereka kemudian sepakat untuk bersama-sama seperti adik-beradik walau apa jua keadaan.
Move fwd, kesemua mereka membesar dengan nasib yang berbeza (diceritakan dlm bentuk flashback), Jeff (cita2 masa kecil dulu nak jadi model, konon dlm cerita ni dia paling hensem lah) akhirnya menjadi playboy rosakkan anak gadis orang, Mimi (cita2 dulu nak jadi ketua dalam apa sahaja perkara) akhir jadi ketua samseng bergelar Mimi parang- yang akhirnya dipermainkan oleh teman2 sendiri. Dini (cita2 dulu nak jadi Ustaz) bila besar pulak jadi anak derhaka, akibat terpengaruh dengan teman2 hingga jadi penagih. Tinggallah Ilhan (cita2 nak bantu orang yg susah) yang sentiasa muncul dlm flashback teman2 nya untuk membantu rakan2 yg tersesat jalan.
Cerita disudahi dengan penuh tragis, di mana akhirnya Ilhan meninggal dunia krn mengidap penyakit serius, tetapi sebelum beliau meninggal sempat utuskan satu warkah buat teman2 nya (yang dianggap adik beradik) supaya bertaubat dan insaf.
Komen saya, sketsa yang dilakokan sungguh cemerlang, penghayatan watak baik dari pelakon utama hingga ke watak kecil (cameo role) sungguh hidup dan berikan kesan yang mendalam kepada para penonton yang kebanyakannya terdiri daripada para belia dan remaja. Penonton di sebelah saya sendiri mengesat air mata..
Saya rasa tema yang ingin ditonjolkan berjaya disampaikan dengan baik, dimana di setiap adegan atau babak keinsafan disudahi dengan skrin yang mengandungi terjemahan ayat Quran dan diselangi dengan nyanyian lagu2 dakwah seperti 'anak derhaka, pintu taubat masih terbuka...' oh sungguh menyentuh kalbu rasanya.
Konsep tempat duduk juga tiada percampuran antara lelaki dan perempuan, terdapat watak lakonan pelakon muslimah, seorang sebagai ibu (ibu kepada Dini) seorang lagi pula berlakon sebagai Farah (Norizan) temanita Jeff (Norizan ialah isteri Ustaz Ahmad Khushairi sendiri) wah2 sungguh romantik dan manja sebagai kekasih.. : ) Sporting betul lah..
Story yang disampaikan juga tidak stereotype, budak madrasah tak semestinya baik dan boleh tersesat jika tidak berhati2, begitu juga dengan kerja dakwah bukan hanya satu tugas eksklusif untuk asatizah shj. Ia tanggungjawab semua individu Muslim.
Siapa kata drama remaja tidak boleh diselitkan dengan unsur dakwah serta tidak bercampur unsur2 syubhah ataupun haram? Melihat dari segi impak nya kepada penonton, malah di babak akhir sungguh klimaks dengan ketiga2 watak utama menangis teresak2 dengan pada masa yang sama kami semua mendengarkan isi kandungan warkah yang dibaca oleh Ilhan (Ustaz Syakir) dengan bait yang tersusun rapi, intonasi suara yang terkawal. Sungguh menyayat hati..5 ***** dari saya."
Do Good Feel Food @ Suria!
and here is the video of do good feel good, which was covered in Suria on 14th September, around 6.20pm.
enjoy! and thank u for viewing.
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Event Report : RYCamp
Arrijal kicked off the fasting month with a 2 days 1 night RamadanYouthCamp (RYCamp). dengan jumlah peserta yang bernomborkan 25, we geared ourselves for a 3-hr community service named Do Good Feel Good. this is the 2nd Do Good Feel Good actually and the 2nd yr as well collaborating with Serangoon Garden Sec's Girl Guides and NCC *thank u alot guys*. to make things more interesting, our community service is covered by Suria's Warna Ramadan! but of course that's not the point of having this effort. at e end of the day, Arrijal and the rest did it to contribute to our society, Muslim and non-Muslim alike. we gave bubur, fruits and nasi briyani.
interestingly tho, almost 60% of the residents declined to take the things that we charity-ed! well they may have their reasons but we suspect that our community's not that comfortable YET having free food sent at their doorstep. hehe
the highlight of the first day was the Bowling For Soup! we bowled, we laughed and we hit the "longkang" more often than not. lol. lepas buka and terawih, Khairuzaman gave a hearty Halaqah session and followed it by a short Qiyam few hours afterwards with Zaidi.
the 2nd day was epitomised by the mass Gathering at Masjid Assyakirin. it was attended by 500+ mosque youths who attended RYCamps at their respective mosques! punyalah pack dan banyak org. we were touched by Ustaz Sofyan's meaningful reflection session and some shed tears. what a sight to behold.the event ended afterwards at Al-Istiqamah and the participants were given free Translated Al-Qur'an! Alhamdulillah.
lesson learnt? like what Firdaus said during the interview: "Ramadan bukan sahaja bulan untuk beribadah, tapi ia adalah peluang untuk berbakti dan membantu masyarakat kita.." helping others especially during Ramadan is a noble deed. May Allah bless us for the effort given in the camp.
enjoy the pics n vid.
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Night of Power & RamadhanThroughYourEyes
The committee of Ramadhan Youth Camp dan Masjid Al-Istiqamah would like to say thank you very much for those who attended the RYCamp on 6th-7th September 2008. We fasted, we served the community, we breakfast-ed, we qiyam-ed and did everything together! Yang lebih important, we learnt something valuable, that Al-Qur'an is our life manual indeed. Nantikan gambar2 k? :P
as a follow up to the RYCamp, i would like to invite all of u, not only the RYCampers bt ALL OF YOU, to our next mass-event at Masjid Sultan. the details are as follows.
Night of Power
20th September 2008
Maghrib - Subuh
there will be 500+ participants for this event so let us be part of it ! RSVP ur attendance to or contact me at 62814287.
oh yes, btw..for PHOTOGRAPHY ENTHUSIASTS, the following will interest u. $500 up for grabs !
for more info, click
Enjoy the rest of your ramadhan!
Friday, August 22, 2008
RYCamp !
Assalamualaikum All!
The abang2 and kakak2 of Arrijal brings u another action-packed program! *Applause lah sikit* Ramahan Youth Camp (RYCamp in short) is one of the projects of Ramadhan Youth Challenge. During the same date, almost 20 other mosque youths are participating in the same camp held at other mosques.
Events include indoor and outdoor games, "do good feel good", Tadarrus beramai2, workshop, and lastly a mass gathering with the other youths! everything for only $10..
definitely we dont want to have another activity-less Ramadhan kan? so join us and experience this with all the other youths. for registration, get the form at Masjid Al-Istiqamah's counter.
see u!
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Cakap Pasal Remaja Datang Lagi!
"Arrijalu qawwamuna alannisa'". have you ever wondered or contemplated on this verse? what's the significance of it and what does it really means? Are men really that better from women? keep those questions on hold because... will attempt to tackle this issue by bringing you yet another Cakap Pasal Remaja! This August edition's details are as follows:
Cakap Pasal Remaja "Men Vs Women"
Date: 23rd August 2008
Time: 1 - 4.30pm
Venue: Masjid Arrabitah
This month's talkshow will center around gender issues, equality, and the significance of men and women in the society. Performances by Revalina, Salsabil & our infamous Ustaz Sofyan will be dished out. there will be a battle of sexes as well. bring along ur family, frends, colleagues, huever u can bring along!
may this session be beneficial to all of us, young muslims of singapore.
see u all at Arrabitah!
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Event Report: Arrijal's Stay aLIVE Night Cycling
I. S. R. A. K M .I .K. R .A. J
Abang A: apa tu Israk Mikraj? Macam Ya'juj Ma'juj je?
Abang B: mmg selalu dgr, tapi apakebende dia sebenarnya eh?
Kakak C: setahu saya lah eh, Israk Mikraj tu ada kena mengena dgn Rasulullah
Kakak D: leh ceritakan skit bro?
and so the questions and tasa'ulats (questions in arabic) go on and on. 50 youths gathered gathered at Al-Istiqamah to find a common answer; an answer to the questions above.Stay aLIVE Night Cycling's commitee aimed at exposing the mystical yet significant events that unfold during Rasulullah p.b.u.h journey that night.
but the lesson's not without a twist.they have to agree to CYCLE from MIQ -> Padang -> MIQ to pass this class! :p the night kicked off with ice breaking games at the rooftop. although the lights shied away cuz of e "trip", it didnt dampen the spirit of the committee and participants for a game of Lineup-according-to and Whacko.
minutes to midnight: the bandwagon vrooms its way out of the mosque and into the breezy night. there were shaky cyclists,the notorious racers, the steady ones and a bunch of committee praying hard for everyone's safety *the first hr was a nightmare as every1 wer settling on eir seats!* Alhamdulillah every1 reached the 1st pitstop in one piece. After the chuckles and hoo-haas of playing Za! and Blind Date Cruise, every1 basked in e comfort of the moonlight n listened to the story of Rasulullah p.b.u.h journey through the 7 levels of heavens. interesting indeed.
with the help of the fantastic road marshalls, we reached our next destination; the memorial@padang. powercheck: exhausted and hungry. after a meal n some energizers, the participants together reflected on Rasulullah's journey up n down the sidratil muntaha by asking for rahmah from The Almighty, and to minimize the initial 50 what one participant commented: "Imagine us having to pray 50 times! if we cant even do 5, how shameful and ungrateful can we be?"
and the FINAL and CHALLENGING-EST test came next; to cycle non-stop from Padang back to the mosque.kepancitan dan kemelecetan mula terpancar di raut peserta namun dgn kegigihan dan semangat to finish the mission, we reached Al-Istiqamah with two things achieved:
= MISSION ACCOMPLISHED (Check,check,check)
Alhamdulillah.thank you to the Arrijal Committee for organizing the great event, and not forgetting the participants, u guys sweated and cycled ur heart out. we salute u all. wa caya sama lu!
next, Ramadhan Youth Camp on 6th - 7th September '08! nantikan update kita..
Monday, August 4, 2008
Arrijal Football Union..Anyone?
been some time since there are updates on Arrijal. our night cycling will be this friday and alhamdulillah the "seats" are filling in. siapa yang nak join do email or call me k? we promise you that it'd be lessons-filled and fun night! insya Allah.
whatever it is the purpose of this post is that..Arrijal is on a mission to rebuild our own galacticos! we're FINALLY having our own football training every 2nd and 4th Saturday of the month. 5pm@ the open field behind Punggol CC. and whats best is, Hj Tohari Paijan will be coaching us.
currently we have 15 students registered under this Union so sesiapa nak join in get the forms at the mosque's counter k? its F.O.C, whats required is ur enthusiasm and of course, a bit of zidane-magic in u !
see u when i see u.
Monday, July 21, 2008
Stay aLIVE Night Cycling
Arrijal brings you the first of Stay aLIVE series, and this month we present you Stay aLIVE Night Cycling in conjunction with the upcoming historic event in the Islamic calendar, Israk Mikraj.
Where? Masjid Al-Istiqamah -> Padang -> Back To The Mosque
Who? Open to All Ages For Only $15!
Prepare urselves for an experiential journey of faith, reflection & stepping forward as the buffet of activities and challenges while learning more of Rasulullah's p.b.u.h Israk Mikraj journey.
Definitely, a chance to appreciate the beauty of Singapore's night environment as well! Bugis, the memorial park, the kallang river awaits our bangwagon. tunggu apa lagi? register at Masjid Al-Istiqamah's counter. registration closes on 7th August 2008.
for more enquiries pls contact Ustaz Izhar at 62814287 or email at see u all!
Friday, July 18, 2008
8 Minutes Film Competition
Assalamualaikum Arrijalians,
Any of u up for this competition? First Prize's $4,000.00 !
8 Minutes Film Competition starts from 26th July to 3rd August 2008. This is a platform to test ur filming skills, and a chance for u to get to know other budding young film-makers definitely.
Call me at 62814287 or email me at if korang nak participate k?
Here are further details (Taken From
8 Minutes is all about creating short films with A CAUSE! It's about creating, collaborating and then competing with other teams to win!
FIRST PRIZE: S$ 4,000.00 CASH and Audio Digital Mastering 5.1 by De Claffer Music Productions worth USD3,500.00
and CROCS shoe prizes to giveaway! CROCS are the official footwear for 8 Minutes! So if you want to film and run around in comfort, we'd suggest you grab a pair (genuine ones, of course people!)
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Pics : CPR @ MySpex 08
Definitely a call for us to participate in MYSPEX 2009 next year. Insya Allah :D
nevertheless, enjoy viewing the games, and performances by Ustaz Sofyan, Fauzi Laily n Fiza O..
photos by Al-Falah Youth.
Monday, July 14, 2008
SpringCampCycling !
Assalamualaikum Saya Ucapkan To All Youths!
Here r Arrijal's upcoming events:
This Sunday, 20th July @ 9am, we're callin' all youths to join the volunteers, staffs, students of Masjid Al-Istiqamah to beautify and spring clean our Mosque. We will start at 9am and breakfast will be provided.
A Youth Celebration of Life & Purpose
26 - 27 July 2008
ITE College East
(Free of Charge For 8 Youths From Al-Istiqamah)
A 2-Day Camp for YOUTHS from diverse backgrounds!
Look forward to!
Keynote Speaker: Mr Kevin Wanzer (Youth Motivator across the USA)
Career Panelist: Elim Chew, Founder & President, 77th Street
Song-Writing Contest on the Spirit of Winning
Rock Concert by Glenn Lim & Stars, Stars, Stars
Log on to !!
Siapa Cepat Dia Dapat The Seats. Hurry k!
We are still in the process of planning for a night cycling on 8th-9th August '08. From 8pm-7am, u all only have to pay $15 to enjoy 9 hours of Night Cyling and games along the way! We will keep u posted.
Yang penting, sebarkan maklumat ini us promote it k?
Thank you.
Monday, July 7, 2008
Cakap Pasal Remaja Returns With A Bigger Bang!
Assalamualaikum all..
Sabtu ini Cakap Pasal Remaja akan diadakan in conjunction with MySpex '08 Finale @ Jurong East Sports Complex. From 9.00am-4.00pm. Dengan bertemakan "What Say YOUths - Health Matters", CPR will witness hosting by Fiza O and performances by Ustaz Sofyan and Fauzie Laily!
not only that, there will be games such as arm wrestling, dart and X-Box challenge for u to participate nak join? drop me an email at or drop me an sms at 81159205 if ure joining. kalau ramai yg pergi i will book a bus for us all..come on ppl what r u waiting for..!
For Details click
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Event Report: Euro BBQ
Question: Ever thought of having total fun bt not get out of the "u-shud-not-do-it-if-ur-a-Muslim" boundaries? Answer:Euro BBQ '08. Read on to know why ! :p
This session saw a participation of 28 youth inclusive of Arrijal members. Most of the students are participants of previous Arrijal events such as SuperFriday and Teens aLIVE. The event kicked off with 3 games aimed at testing the mental n physical strengths of the youths. From the barrier-breaking introduction to the physical game conducted by Sis Khairunnisa’ and her "twin" Raudhah (jgn marah :p).the participants were asked to move in a group from a point to another using only 3 rectangular cardboards.Senang kan? See pictures to c how well ey fared!The 3rd game “The Root of All Evil” was about taking calculative risks and the challenge of doing it in a group. They were then encouraged to reflect n relate each game to their everyday lives.
The games were followed up by a 1-hour-plus BBQ session which essentially was to bond the participants. The youths helped Bro Azhar and Muhaimin in roasting the raw food and the camaraderie can slowly be seen in this session. Who wud haf thought we got 3 cartons of sponsored turkey bacon? Kenyang abes.Two Arrijal seniors, Abg Din and Mr.Chairman, Cikgu Azemi came down and made the eat-together merrier. The BBQ ended at about 12.15am.
The youths then watched a movie called “Flyboys” before hitting the sack at 2.30am. They were told to rest before Qiyam. Exactly 5am,its quite a surprise some of the youths actually woke up early for it *bravooo*.The Qiyam were lead by Zaidi and Ustaz Izhar followed by a short tazkirah. We Prayed Subuh together with the jemaah and although most of the youths dozed off (i think 7 in total), they sat throughout Ustaz Khozin’s Kuliah Subuh. Another hats off to u all.
After breakfast, the youths had a mini-futsal session n not forgetting the all-time-fav "ZA!" challenge.The eagerness to take part in future events can be seen in these youths but what’s more important is the bond that emanated amongst them amidst background differences, and that they learn something out of the BBQ cum Qiyam session throughout the night. Insya Allah.More pics will be uploaded no worries :D
Power Clap satu guys!
*Clap!* *Clap!* *Clap!* POWERRRRRRRRRRRR!!
till then, see u all at our next event on 11th & 12th July. Keep Updated! Wassalam.
1st July 2008
Saturday, June 28, 2008
SuperFriday! Episode 6
28th June 2008
This 6th Episode of SF will build on the previous discussion on May.
Still centering on harmful substances, we will go deeper on the #1 social problem of youths.
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Upcoming: Arrijal's EURO BBQ.
Date: Saturday-Sunday (28-29th June)
Time: 8pm(sat)-8am(sun)
Masjid Al-Istiqamah
Contact Youth Development Officer (YDO) Ustaz Izhar
at 62814287 (office) or 81159205 (hp) for info.
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Invitation To Z.O.U.Q (With a Q not a K :p)
Assalamualaikum aspiring youths,
We are pleased to inform that will be organizing another episode (our 3rd that is) of Cakap Pasal Remaja (CPR) at Al-Iman Mosque.
This month's topic is 'Z.O.U.Q' & it will touch on the various issues relating to youth and entertainment. As we know, the reality is that youths today are pre-occupied with the various modes of entertainment, be it in the physical form, virtual or otherwise. The forum aims to put the outlook of entertainment from Islamic perspective. We are pleased to invite everyone to join us in this forum.
Details are as follows:
Date : 21 June 08
Time : 4-6.30pm
Venue : Basement, Masjid Al-Iman, 10 Bukit Panjang Ring Road S (679943)
Our dish for the week : Performances by the infamous Ustaz Sofyan & his aspiring musicians, and a session with Al-Iman's youth band, Puritania. For those who would like to join in this extravaganza, do contact me at 62814287/81159205 ..Lets go together and show CPR our support..!
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Event Report: Go Legolas!
It was 2.30pm and the 10 aspiring archers were hyped up for the retreat. They threw around jokes and teased each other in bus 147 en route to Potong Pasir CC. Azhar n his ol' mates were reminiscing the times of Sega Saturns and Tetrises. Danish n Fairul were flippin' thru the latest gaming magazine while Matin fiddled with his thumbs, prolly already fantasizing having a bow on his hands :p The level of excitement among these youths were obvious.
The trainer, Bro. Ja'far went through the manuals and instructions. Paling best was when he unveiled the 10 very very important steps of archery. " U need to have the stance, the aim, the blala but one thing archers always forget is to relax.. remember, u need to relax!" . We learnt that archery is about focus, steadyness and continous practice. si abg khai all the while set his eyes on the arrows n bow. sabar jii..
Then it was time for them to try out n put the theories into action. Ada yg tersasar jauh.ada yg tangan menggigil. ada yang menang gaya. but most of them adapted well thru the instructions n the bullseyes eventually came. bravooo! the highlight of the day was Bro. Haikal's technique. his arrows actually dipped on air (its really like cristiano ronaldo's rockets!) we joked that if he is to arrow enemies, they wun b able to dodge!
Everyone had fun n at the end of the day n gave a few gd poses for the cam (do check out the pics!). A debrief was done to remind them dat at e end of e day, its not only abt the fun but is also abt reliving back the Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad p.b.u.h. Sedikit sebanyak we haf a picture of how the battles like Badr, Uhud & Khandaq were at that time. The Muslims must be very gd archers. everyone agreed to haf a follow up and who knoes, a mini archery tournament for all?
So those who missed this retreat, gear up and wait for Go Legolas! Part 2 ok? aha. thank u for reading Arrijalians.
Click here to view all photos
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Upcoming Event: St8fast!
In conjunction with national day in august, arrijal is organising a national day youth carnival.
We are in the proposal and planning stage. The upcoming meeting for the proposed event will be on
Tuesday, 17 June 2008
Al-Istiqamah Mosque
Everyone is welcome to help out in this proposal or give your inputs on the proposed event, on the upcoming meeting. We really need your support. Go Arrijalians!
For more information, do contact Ustaz Izhar @ 62814287/ 81159205
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Go Legolas! An Archery Retreat.
Friday, 13th June 2008
3pm, Right After Friday Prayers
@ Potong Pasir CC
Bring along kawan2 and ur family for this archery event. Bagi sesiapa yg minat Legolas, this is one ur the few chances to emulate him. Only $15 per pax, let's test our skills with the help of a pro trainer. Berkumpul @2pm lepas solat Jumaat. This i repeat, is open to all ages. For registration, contact me @ 62814287/ 81159205
that's for this week guys. expect more events in the coming weeks. Cakap Pasal Remaja, Superfriday Ep 6 & Euro 2008 Finale up anticipate Arrijal's updates k.
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Stay aL.I.VE
Thursday, 12th June 2008
Level 3, Al-Istiqamah Mosque
A follow up to SuperFriday and Teens aL.I.V.E, program ini is a chance for us to speak our mind and discuss on issues that u have in mind..relationships, peer pressure, drugs, etc. Speak Ur Mind beb. Welcome to our very own Speakers' Corner..
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Friday, May 30, 2008
SuperFriday! Episode 5
30th May 2008
Our fifth installment of SuperFriday will provide participants with the usual "makan2 session" (last month we had nasi ayam penyet and for this month the menu will be...*u hafta come beb to know!*).
This month's session will centre ard the importance of detoxifying our young body from harmful substances. The video presentation will be on Jared Leto's "Requiem For A Dream".
Sunday, April 20, 2008
SuperFriday! Episode 4
This Friday, 25th April '08, we will be holding our 4th sequel of SuperFriday. This month's edition is entitled "Muhammad, Up Close & Personal" since we are still in our Maulid festive season.
the tentative for this week is :
1- makan2 (as usual). Menu? nak tau kena datang :p
2 - 2nd video presentation. since last week we touched on Prophet Muhammad p.b.uh. practice of using the Siwak. this week's video will be on his characteristics. plus an interview video by Singaporean youths in Egypt. *a very gd one i shud say!*
3 - a short speech by an Arrijal member, Bro. Zaidi
thats all for our usual 2-3pm session. any feedbacks do email me ok? i see u all straight after our Friday prayers insya Allah!
keep updated with our future programs.
Friday, March 28, 2008
SuperFriday! Episode 3
Time: 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm
Location: Istiqamah Mosque's Multi-Purpose Hall
Join us for the 3rd sequel of SuperFriday. this month, we will get to enjoy a video screening! and a sharing session based on the featured video.
Friday, March 21, 2008
Friday, March 14, 2008
Birthday Bash Cum Bonding Session
Time: 20:00 - 22:00
Location: Al-Istiqamah Mosque