Question: Ever thought of having total fun bt not get out of the "u-shud-not-do-it-if-ur-a-Muslim" boundaries? Answer:Euro BBQ '08. Read on to know why ! :p
This session saw a participation of 28 youth inclusive of Arrijal members. Most of the students are participants of previous Arrijal events such as SuperFriday and Teens aLIVE. The event kicked off with 3 games aimed at testing the mental n physical strengths of the youths. From the barrier-breaking introduction to the physical game conducted by Sis Khairunnisa’ and her "twin" Raudhah (jgn marah :p).the participants were asked to move in a group from a point to another using only 3 rectangular cardboards.Senang kan? See pictures to c how well ey fared!The 3rd game “The Root of All Evil” was about taking calculative risks and the challenge of doing it in a group. They were then encouraged to reflect n relate each game to their everyday lives.
The games were followed up by a 1-hour-plus BBQ session which essentially was to bond the participants. The youths helped Bro Azhar and Muhaimin in roasting the raw food and the camaraderie can slowly be seen in this session. Who wud haf thought we got 3 cartons of sponsored turkey bacon? Kenyang abes.Two Arrijal seniors, Abg Din and Mr.Chairman, Cikgu Azemi came down and made the eat-together merrier. The BBQ ended at about 12.15am.
The youths then watched a movie called “Flyboys” before hitting the sack at 2.30am. They were told to rest before Qiyam. Exactly 5am,its quite a surprise some of the youths actually woke up early for it *bravooo*.The Qiyam were lead by Zaidi and Ustaz Izhar followed by a short tazkirah. We Prayed Subuh together with the jemaah and although most of the youths dozed off (i think 7 in total), they sat throughout Ustaz Khozin’s Kuliah Subuh. Another hats off to u all.
After breakfast, the youths had a mini-futsal session n not forgetting the all-time-fav "ZA!" challenge.The eagerness to take part in future events can be seen in these youths but what’s more important is the bond that emanated amongst them amidst background differences, and that they learn something out of the BBQ cum Qiyam session throughout the night. Insya Allah.More pics will be uploaded no worries :D
Power Clap satu guys!
*Clap!* *Clap!* *Clap!* POWERRRRRRRRRRRR!!
till then, see u all at our next event on 11th & 12th July. Keep Updated! Wassalam.
1st July 2008
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