Thursday, October 15, 2009

Selamat Hari Raya + Arrijal BBQ.

Assalamualaikum wr.wb Arrijalians,

Terutama sekali, sebelum terlewat, Ustaz ingin mengucapkan Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri Maaf Zahir & Batin. Mohon maaf kalau Ustaz ada terkasar bahasa dan tersalah
layan. Hope everyone is doing fine and living life to the fullest.

Firstly, Ustaz nak inform that Arrijal's Chairman, will be going through surgery on his torn knee ligament this coming Friday, 16 October. Marilah kita
ramai-rami mendoakan beliau agar semuanya berjalan baik dan lancar. And hopefully he will recover soon and meet up with us once again! Amin.

Secondly, Ustaz nak ucapkan selamat maju jaya kepada smua yang dah duduk for N' Levels dan yang bakal menghadapi O'Levels kelak. Remember this,
study hard but do not forget to seek help from Allah S.A.W. We plan but HE decides thus i am confident that you all will do well, Insya Allah.

Thirdly, i would like to welcome the new Youth Development Officer, Ustaz Khairani Basiran to Arrijal. He is a graduate of Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia
and he majors in Islamic Finance. Insya Allah he will be taking over my position and will continue our legacy! Marhaban Ustaz Khairani. Insya Allah Ustaz
will still be at MIQ for another month.

Akhir sekali, we will be having a BBQ and reunion for everyone. EVERY member of Arrijal dijemput hadir! Tentatively, the event will be:

Arrijal BBQ
Saturday, 14th November 2009
12 - 6pm
Changi Beach

We will keep u updated on this k? Hear from you soon ! Wassalam
Ustaz Md Izhar.

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