Thursday, January 28, 2010

Arrijal's Friday Night Fevour: Positive Communication.

Aslm Wr Wb,

Invitation to Arrijal's Monthly Qiyam.
All Arrijal Exco (ArjExco), Arrijalians (Members) & others are welcome.

Start Time: Friday, 29 January 2010 at 21:00
End Time: Saturday, 30 January 2010 at 09:00
Location: Al-Istiqamah Mosque, Level 2.
Street: 2 Serangoon North Avenue 2 (S) 555876

RSVP your attendance.

Arrijal - Al-Istiqamah's Youth Wing
Youth Development Officer: Ustaz Khairani Basiran hp: +65 8233 0153
Arrijal Chairman - Bro Firdaus Khan hp: +65 8383 4959
Arrijal Vice-Chairman - Bro Imran hp: +65 9638 8747

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Arrijal Meeting: 26 Jan 2010.

Aslm Wr Wb,
Calling all Arrijal Exco (ArjExco) & Arrijalians (Members) for Meeting.

1. 29 Jan 10; 9pm - Arrijal Get Together Itenary
2. Arrijal Recruitment
3. Arrijal & WRITE Club
4. March Camp.

Date: Tuesday, 26 January 2010
Time: 19:30 - 21:30
Location: Al-Istiqamah Mosque.
Street: 2 Serangoon North Avenue 2 (S) 555876

RSVP your attendance.
Appreciate if all ArjExco to come down.
Arrijalians are welcome to chip in ideas.

Arrijal - Al-Istiqamah's Youth Wing
Youth Development Officer: Ustaz Khairani Basiran hp: +65 8233 0153
Arrijal Chairman - Bro Firdaus Khan hp: +65 8383 4959
Arrijal Vice-Chairman - Bro Imran hp: +65 9638 8747

Thursday, January 7, 2010

A message from Ustaz Izhar, our beloved ex-YDO. Go Arrijal GO!

Assalamualaikum Arrijalians,

Yesterday, the Mosque Awards 2008-2009 was held and Masjid Al-Istiqamah was awarded with DISTINCTION in Youth-Friendly & Community-Friendly Awards and MERIT in Family-Friendly Awards. Thus on a general note, I would like to say congratulations to Masjid Al-Istiqamah and specifically Arrijal Exco, Arrijal members & also to the WRITE Club for the excellent achievement!

The Youth-Friendly Distinction Award is achievement that's based on your documented programs from Jan 2008 - Sep 2009 and I believe, eventhough you consider ourselves as babies due to your first year of exco-ship, you have given our best and strived to the max to get to where you are. Each and everyone of you deserves a pat in the back.

The award is a testimony of hardwork and resilience but most importantly, it symbolizes the ukhuwwah and tolerancy amongst you all. You might come from different backgrounds and harbor different expectancies and thoughts, but when it comes to the crunch, you manage to unite and gave your best for the youths of Al-Istiqamah and the Ummah in general. Hamdan lillah. Congrats too to Hj Saat, MIQ staff, volunteers and whoever had directly or indirectly motivated and propelled Arrijal & WRITE Club towards betterment.

I am deeply honored to have worked with you all for a period of two years and I'll not trade that for anything else. I believe Ustaz Khairani, the Arrijalians & WRITE Club will continue to guide this legacy towards greater success. Amin

Once again, alf mabruk! And keep up the good work.

A message from our beloved ex-YDO.
Ustaz Md Izhar Bin Mohamed Roslan Executive Youth Engagement SU

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

The W.R.I.T.E. Club Storytelling Spectacular: HAVE YOU SIGNED UP?


School is starting, but already there is a GREAT competition for all of you! This competition is for 7 to 13 year olds, and GREAT prizes await! (plse see flyer).
It's a storytelling competition, but first you'll be guided in a half-day camp by GREAT facilitators! It all occurs this 16th January (Saturday), at An-Nahdhah Mosque (our national Harmony Centre).

We call it the:
Storytelling Spectacular - Developing Future Ambassadors of Islam.
See the flyer attached for the details.

Basically, you attend a half-day camp in the morning, where you'll be groomed from 9 am to Zuhur to become the next Storytelling Idol :) by telling a story from the annals of islamic history. Don't worry, the stories are all ready for you to choose from!

Then, from 2 pm to 5 pm, you'll get the chance to practise what you've learned in the storytelling competition. The GREAT thing is, you can either compete as an individual or in your own team!

The cost of it all? JUST $5 (FIVE DOLLARS) Food is included!

Compare this price with the storytelling workshops listed below - you literally save hundreds!

So, hurry and sign up - DEADLINE IS THIS SATURDAY (8th JANUARY)

P.S: Those who wish to learn how to groom your siblings or children into storytellers can sign up as co-facilitators FOR FREE.
All you need to do is attend a short meeting (1.45 - 3 pm) this Sunday, and then the actual event itself.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Qiyam Appreciation.

Ustaz Khairani, Bro Imran, Sis Syazwani, Bro Khai, Bro Basitd, Sis Jannah, Bro Muhaimin, Sis Nurhaniza, Sis Salsabila, Sis Filzah, Sis Fathimah, Sis Syafiqah Basiran, Bro Ziyad

"Thanks alot 4 coming. hope that whateva that hv been discussed can b carried
out with ease. let us doa 4 each other ya."

a sms by Firdaus; Arrijal Chairman.