Tuesday, January 5, 2010

The W.R.I.T.E. Club Storytelling Spectacular: HAVE YOU SIGNED UP?


School is starting, but already there is a GREAT competition for all of you! This competition is for 7 to 13 year olds, and GREAT prizes await! (plse see flyer).
It's a storytelling competition, but first you'll be guided in a half-day camp by GREAT facilitators! It all occurs this 16th January (Saturday), at An-Nahdhah Mosque (our national Harmony Centre).

We call it the:
Storytelling Spectacular - Developing Future Ambassadors of Islam.
See the flyer attached for the details.

Basically, you attend a half-day camp in the morning, where you'll be groomed from 9 am to Zuhur to become the next Storytelling Idol :) by telling a story from the annals of islamic history. Don't worry, the stories are all ready for you to choose from!

Then, from 2 pm to 5 pm, you'll get the chance to practise what you've learned in the storytelling competition. The GREAT thing is, you can either compete as an individual or in your own team!

The cost of it all? JUST $5 (FIVE DOLLARS) Food is included!

Compare this price with the storytelling workshops listed below - you literally save hundreds!

So, hurry and sign up - DEADLINE IS THIS SATURDAY (8th JANUARY)

P.S: Those who wish to learn how to groom your siblings or children into storytellers can sign up as co-facilitators FOR FREE.
All you need to do is attend a short meeting (1.45 - 3 pm) this Sunday, and then the actual event itself.

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