Friday, December 10, 2010

How do you find time?‏

Assalamu alaikum Wr Wb

Dear Brothers and Sisters

I have been asked many times the question
"How do you find time to write about social issues in our fast paced Singapore?"

It surprises me that this question is always put to me by brothers whose net worth (S$) is as much or far better off than me.

So, let me share my opinion of life in this world.

Islam makes it incumbent upon us (the male in the family) to provide for ourselves, our wivess and children.
At the same time we must be mindful of our Rasool (s.a.w) Hadith :

"If the son of Adam were given a valley full of gold, he would love to have a second one; and if he were given the second one, he would love to have a third, for nothing fills the belly of Adam's son except dust..." (Sahih Al- Bukhari)

Accordingly, I have witnessed those who could not afford the time to discharge their Fardh as their time is taken to work long hours to repay their 2nd - if their 2nd one is settled - the 3rd property which they bought on bank loans.

If we ask them why let these activities take away their duty towards Allah (s.w.t) Their reply seem to suggest, it is for the sake of their children.

"The Prophet (s.a.w) asked 'Who among you considers the wealth of his heirs dearer to him than his own wealth?' They replied 'O Allah's Messenger! There is none among us but loves his own wealth more.' The Prophet (s.a.w) said "So, his wealth is whatever he spends (in Allah's Cause) during his life (on good deeds) while the wealth of his heirs is whatever he leaves after his death." (Sahih Al-Bukhari)

For this it is explained "What one spends during one's life for Allah's Sake is what one really owns because one will get permanent reward for that in the Hereafter."

So, while looking after the welfare of wives and children, one must invest enough time and money in this world for our own sake in the Hereafter.
I would also like to remind the financially well-off among us who have exceeded the age of 60 years and still do not give much time for Ibadah with the following Hadith:

"Allah will not accept the excuse of any person whose instant of death is delayed till he is sixty years of age." (Sahih Al-Bukahri)

I do not dispute that we need money for sustenance.
But, we must ensure our money remains our servant and NOT become our master.

Allah (s.w.t) cautions us :

"The mutual rivalry (for piling up of worldly things) diverts you.
Until you visit the graves.
Nay! You shall come to know!.." (Surah At-Takathur :1-3)

Haj Mohamed

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